

Mat Classes

The basis of the Pilates method, Mat classes are a great way to experience the energy of a group, while using your own-body-in-space to build strength. We focus on strengthening the muscles that stabilize the spine, full-body stretching and strengthening, as well as powerful breath, balance, and coordination. 

All Levels Welcome.


Apparatus Classes

These classes use many of the pieces of apparatus designed by Joseph Pilates— the Reformer, the Cadillac/Tower, the Chair, the Ladder Barrel— as well as original exercise stations designed by architect, Brad Wales. The class works in unison and circuits around the studio, which fosters responsibility for the movement as well overall strength.

One-on-one session recommended prior to taking this class. 


One-on-one Sessions

A One-on-one session is tailored to your specific needs and goals. Exercises may be executed on the Reformer, Cadillac, Ladder Barrel, Chair, Spine Corrector, Foam Roller, or the Mat. 

Duet Sessions available by request.

By appointment only.                                 

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Class Schedule